Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sweet & Sour Beef

 First, I have no idea how this worked out for me but it was yummy so I share with you.

I precooked, about halfway, some burger patties with bone broth, a slight hint of a barbeque sauce, and plenty of Dill. Then the next day, I fried it up again with yellow mustard and horseradish. I'm not sure where the sweetness came from exactly, but it was the best sweet and sour beef I've ever had. I can't have any grains but this would have been bomb on top of jasmine rice or something. I'm not sure if it works for other ground meats or as a sauce over veggies, but can't hurt to try it. Though, I'd probably try it on the beef first to make sure you like that result at least before playing it with other things. 

Sorry for no picture because I honestly didn't expect to like it and when I tasted it, I ate it in short order because it'd been about 18 hours since I last ate. I was starvin'. My dogs actually left their own food bowls to try and get a taste which amused me. So give it atry.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Butcher Box

Well, that quality is good assuming it gets to you before it bleeds through the box. First month, no real issues. Second month, it was toast before it left the Pittsburgh hub (last stop before my home). Reshipped arrived after five days of transit in a non climate control environment. Yeah, the porch still stinks to be honest. I got a refund n the most luke warm customer service apology ever. I'm going to cancel and either go with crowd cow or just shop simple truth meats at the grocery stores. I shouldn't have to pay for food for a month just about only to end up having to go shopping anyway.  So that's my review. It's probably more a FedEx issue but yeah, if this keeps screwing your customers and you stick with FedEx ground cause cheap then I'm onto something new. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Second attempt bone broth

Aug 7 2020
This one was delicious.

Package of marrow bones, beef n package neck bones, pork
Roast on 450 degrees for 20 minutes

One whole shallot halved n peeled
One garlic knots halved (I didn't peel cause lazy)

Instapot with water (don't overfill like I did) n cook on soup setting for 120 minutes. Seems I can reuse the marrow bones btw. Money saved

After cooking and straining, add spices and salt to taste. I'm very limited so I used limited spices, decent amount salt n no carrot or celery. I heard parsnip adds flavor but I'm probably allergic to that too so I'm unlikely to try it.

Idk offhand how many cups I yielded bit I also overfilled n caused a mess when I quick released/ vented pressure. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chicken Liver

While I failed at bone broth n will try again, chicken liver was a bit.

I literally just sauteed bacon bits n sliced garlic in butter. I seasoned the prepped livers with cayenne, cinnamon, basil, parsley, oregano, marjoram, long juice, and liquid smoke. Then pan fried. The added balsamic vinegar and salt. Ate em plain just like that without sauce. 

By prepped livers, I mean cutting the white vein off chopping into bite sized pieces. 

And I HATE liver (cow) so if you do too but need the nutrition, this quick recipe may work for you.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

First Bone Broth attempt

Two chicken feet
Two small garlic knots, halved
Two small bay leaves
One pound marrow bones, beef
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

Spices, salt, dehydrated onions afterwards to taste.

Starting very plain with whatever I have to work with, which isn't a lot.
Roasted bones (not feet) for about twenty minutes on 450 degrees.

Instapot. Soup/broths setting, low pressure for two hours.

Will update when done n taste tested. Probably won't be great but hopefully something I can stomach so I can get the nutrition. Btw,the marrow in the bones smelled tasty but idk. 

Don't try this, it sucked. Will post second attempt.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lazy Carnivore Nachos

Macs pork rinds
Ground beef
Seasonings you can handle. I'm using dill, cayenne, paprika, and marjoram due to allergies to cumin etc.
Shredded cheese n sour cream ( I abstain due to allergies).
Onion diced finely n added to beef cooked in lard or butter
Any other toppings you're not allergic to 

Do I want the aggrevation of turning the rinds into a chip shape? No. Ain't nobody got time for that. This is a lazy recipe that keeps as strictly with the carnivore diet as possible. I can have garlic n onion n most spices. I skip dairy n lettuce n definitely skip tomatoes. It'll satisfy my nacho craving just fine because I could always do without cheese. I may add fresh cilantro in the future. But here you have a carnivore recipe that isn't more geared towards keto n thus more allergy friendly. Next, chili. That should be interesting.

Monodiets can get boring. Play with your food.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Month One Recap

So it seems to me that week three is a dump week. I made great health improvements the first two weeks but the third seemed to backslide. I introduced lard, cut out all dairy n eggs, and started pork rinds. Week four was getting back on track improvement wise but still not as good as the first two weeks. 

I've found chicken gives me more energy, in particular white meat which is why I added pork rinds for the fat content. Still can't find chicken liver anywhere in the tri state area right now, but I'm not even sure if I can force myself to eat it. Bone broth by kettle fire is awesome but expensive because I'm bumping up to half cup a day. Each $7 box gives me four days. 

I'm still on diet mountain dew code red and still smoking a lot. I understand that these things are probably hindering my progress but I'm not ready to cut them out quite yet.  

I've lost 19 pounds this month which is way too much. However, half of that is probably just water weight n when you start as a big person, you tend to lose big in the beginning. So, I'm not worried yet but I am trying to eat more. My appetite is null and it's a struggle to break 1000 calories a day. I'm still struggling with eating meat n fat because I generally don't like the taste, especially from beef. Switching from vegan has been hard in that respect as well as emotionally.

I buy my meat through butcherbox not only for the high quality but for how they treat the animals. I'll probably do a review in a month. I want to at least wait till my second shipment. I will be adding bacon next month to get the fat content boosted more. Salmon once a month because it's expensive and I'm concerned about Mercury content.

Hair is still doing amazing, it's finally growing. I haven't needed a haircut in three years, for context. I need one now. Skin not so much. I'm waiting to heal because I do think it was the dairy. Then I'll readd eggs n test them separately. Hopefully it's just dairy cuz I can easily give that up without any struggle whatsoever. Nails have always been strong ironically. Teeth ... Idk about cavities n I'm still on soda pop. But they do feel cleaner even before I brush which is hard to explain. My sweat doesn't smell very bad anymore but I did have that improvement going vegan too. 

Sleep still seems better while not miraculous. Depression is apparently a thing of the past. Anxiety a bit better too as I'm definitely more personable with strangers n even family outside of my house. Energy still rather low but I'm no longer living for my naps. Knees are still trashed though back is pretty decent. Muscles went back to being tight the third week and haven't come back around. Headaches at the right hand base of my skull are still there n no improvement.

I think that's all. Have a wonderful day if anyone ever reads this.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

OMG bone broth

So I bought this classic beef bone broth from kettle fire. Now I dunno if it's because I was dipping pork rinds in it or if it naturally tastes like this, but it reminded me of coffee. Except, I don't like coffee, never did. But this was truly tasty! Maybe it's closer to dandelion tea, which also tastes coffee-like to me. All I know is that I'm excited to be able to include this important carnivore staple into my diet. Unlike liver.

Adding the broth, pork rinds, and lard has given me a bit more energy. I was raised the fat was the devil. And after veganism, I was petrified of saturated fat and cholesterol. However, I can't argue with results.

My heart palpitations are gone n only occur when I try a new food sometimes. Afterwards, I often find out that food had trans fat or a ton of sugar or both. I'm learning to listen to my body and that's left me better than listening to doctors and scientists. Go figure.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


I'm terrible at keeping a schedule. So, hair has stopped falling out. 17 pounds lost. I started toback track I'm guessing cuz I didn't have appetite to eat enough. Though switching butter out for lard seemed to help. Idk why. Also added plain pork rinds which kinda taste like popcorn. Trying to get my calories up. Cut out dairy and eggs due to a skin reaction. I tested allergic to dairy but they didn't test eggs so I a month, I may try eggs again. 

I had a patch where I felt I was going back downhill but since the changes stated above, I'm feeling great again. 

Posting before and after pictures for the hair difference in what, three weeks?


I'm happy in the picture just tired n sun was in my eyes. The hair thing is just crazy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


So I injured my left knee yesterday. According to my chiropractor, I strained a quad muscle or tendon that connects to the top of the patella. I wasn't expecting to be even a teeny bit better, but when I woke up this morning, I was a whole lot better. Now this is the second injury I've had since switching diets and the second time I was almost 100% by morning. This shit never happens. 

Chiropractor commenting that my neck was markedly less stiff n I wasn't out of whack like i always am. If I read this on some testimonial, I wouldn't buy it but living this ... Well, the cynic in me is questioning reality. Am I dreaming or is this all really happening?

I've also been quite extroverted, kinda out of nowhere. I'm not sure what to make of all the changes. I keep reminding myself it's only been a week, maybe this is psychosomatic. However .. then why no placebo type effect with anything else I've tried? Idk. These are weird times for me.

Monday, June 22, 2020


So far.
Improved sleep n pain tolerance.
Still stiff n achey upon waking up.
Better sex drive n overall mood.
Still terrible headache at base of skull in the back right side.
Slight improvement in breathing pain in left ribs.
Improved right hip pain n function.
Less numbness in fingers n arms.
Knee function up but still crunchy, painful joint in both.
Less jaw pain.
No dental improvements.
Better balance n endurance when standing prolonged period of time.
Way less appetite. 
Weight loss of near two pounds.

Friday, June 19, 2020


After this, I'm switching to a week update on Fridays. So far today has way more bathroom issues than yesterday. I feel I slept deep last night n hardly tossed n turned. No skin clearing up and pain levels and energy about the same as all week. Again, I'm not expecting miracles the first week, just noting.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Yeah I missed a day. So far today, I've kept much stricter to the diet. I was lazy today, just felt kinda fog headed. Not depressed but no happy. I'm just kinda here. No nap though I did consider one. Sex drive reved up so that's still moving forward. Still having some bathroom issues but not near as bad or frequent. It's harder to crack my joints n my pain levels have reduced ever so slightly. Things hurt more acutely than chronic if that makes sense. Kinda as if I just worked out n it's been that way all day n yesterday. Muscles in neck/ shoulder area still knotted but I didn't expect that to change ever let alone in a handful of days, just noting it for posterity.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


After this first week, I'm going to switch from daily updates to weekly. So far, today's been a lot like yesterday. It's only noon so I'm not sure if I'll have a sugar drop after 3pm but it's likely. I've made good friends with my bathroom. I can't say energy is a thing yet but it may take me a few weeks to heal to the point I can have energy. I'm still doing diet soda too so that may be also negating some of the effects.

I'll write more later.

Well, no real slump. Noticed my sex drive reappeared already. It has been gone for idk close to a year, give or take some months.  Sleep was deep but not as good as the night before but I also tried to go to bed much earlier.

Monday, June 15, 2020


Day one on the carnivore diet, God help me.

So, it wasn't too bad taste wise. But ... When a vlogger on YouTube tells you to stay near a bathroom for the first two weeks, don't disbelieve him. Holy mother Mary of God. I won't get too graphic, but take your worst bathroom experience and multiply it by ten. 

For me, this effect was almost immediate. I think maybe 10-15 minutes. I had actually expected constipation. Nope, very much nope. I am not exaggerating when I tell you to keep extra clothes and a well stocked shower. Maybe it was the sudden extreme switch or the fact I'm pretty sick in general idk. But be prepared just in case. You'll thank me later.

My energy seemed consistent in the morning and early afternoon. Then, I suddenly got ravenously hungry so I ate again at three. But shortly after, I got real tired and fog headed and kinda shaky. I'm guessing there's not enough sugar in animals left over and I'm borderline diabetic. So, instead of keeping strict, I ate some breaded chicken with jalepeno ranch sauce and felt almost instantly better. I've decided to do this as needed until I no longer need to as it's in lieu of a transition period.

I have noticed today, from early evening on, that my two pinky fingers that have been numb for a year now almost feel entirely normal. I'd think that's a little too quick, but it's been a year steady and boom. I don't think it's the meat, though, I think it's the lack of vegetables and fruits. Perhaps I'm really that sensitive to these oxalates. Who knows. 

I'm still in pain otherwise, but I'm also still drinking copious amounts of diet mountain dew code red for energy. I plan to do this until I don't need to any more. I realize I may not get all the benefits until I quit diet soda. 

Still, an interesting day and I still can't get over the finger numbness thing. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

Time to Revamp. Entirely.

So ... Been a long time. I deleted everything except my introduction entry. Since then, I've tried several different things, the last being a vegan diet in which breakfast and lunch were fruit and vegetables smoothies then a non pureed vegan dinner. Welp. I felt good for maybe a week, not enough to rave but not getting worse. Then, I fell on my face health wise, including this crippling depression that seemed to come out of nowhere.

I was pissed. Legit pissed. So I threw the diet away and made some terrible food choices. Over the weekend, I happened upon a Jordan Peterson video while researching Jung psychology after watching an analysis of Kubrick's the shining. I had watched a few Jung based videos from Peterson, but YouTube suggested one where he talks about his diet. He seemed pretty smart on Jung psychology so I clicked on it. Couldn't hurt, right?

He briefly described his entire family's auto immune mystery. I didn't have rhumatoid arthritis like his daughter, but I closely matched enough of his and his wife's ailments. They eat meat. Literally beef, salt, and water. But saturated fat?? Cholesterol?? Nutrient deficiencies?? But, I had grown worse on veganism and even gluten free was too much a pain in the ass for how small the results were. 

So I researched more on this type of diet, mostly on YouTube, because I wanted to hear how others fared doing this diet for years. And I was desperate. And these results sounded amazing. What the hell, maybe I'll try two weeks I thought, so I went shopping. And it's expensive and I hate meat, especially fatty meats. The mere smell of liver can also make me vomit let alone trying to eat it. Uphill battle, but I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I couldn't afford to do grass fed, but told myself if I see at least modest improvement, I can always find a way to upgrade my selection. So I jumped in. I kept researching and found out about oxalates in plant foods. Spinach is one of the highest of this ... Poison.! I was eating about 2-4 cups of that stuff a day before. Well, no wonder I felt like I was dying. Still, I didn't expect that a mono diet of red meat, of all things, would result in much besides heart disease. I had binged Dr. Michael Gregers videos of study after study. I was scared.

But so many vegans thrive. Yes and many look like they're dying. What gives, right? My uneducated theory is which diet works for you probably comes down to your ancestry. While many cultures evolved on starches, I think some may have evolved more on meat. Or it could be a blood type thing. I don't think we'll ever find out the truth because there's big bucks to be made on both sides and the regular people argue and debunk everything that's against their diet to the point you can't tell which is true. They both are. You have to try both and see what you respond to. If you're vegan for ethical reasons and your health is tolerable then keep at it. If it's not, you have an incredibly hard and painful choice you're going to have difficulty living with either way. I am sorry, that's certainly not fair to you.

Listen to your body, decide between ethics and health if this applies to you, and do what you feel you must. May we all find our path to health and approach everyone's choices with compassion.