I was pissed. Legit pissed. So I threw the diet away and made some terrible food choices. Over the weekend, I happened upon a Jordan Peterson video while researching Jung psychology after watching an analysis of Kubrick's the shining. I had watched a few Jung based videos from Peterson, but YouTube suggested one where he talks about his diet. He seemed pretty smart on Jung psychology so I clicked on it. Couldn't hurt, right?
He briefly described his entire family's auto immune mystery. I didn't have rhumatoid arthritis like his daughter, but I closely matched enough of his and his wife's ailments. They eat meat. Literally beef, salt, and water. But saturated fat?? Cholesterol?? Nutrient deficiencies?? But, I had grown worse on veganism and even gluten free was too much a pain in the ass for how small the results were.
So I researched more on this type of diet, mostly on YouTube, because I wanted to hear how others fared doing this diet for years. And I was desperate. And these results sounded amazing. What the hell, maybe I'll try two weeks I thought, so I went shopping. And it's expensive and I hate meat, especially fatty meats. The mere smell of liver can also make me vomit let alone trying to eat it. Uphill battle, but I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I couldn't afford to do grass fed, but told myself if I see at least modest improvement, I can always find a way to upgrade my selection. So I jumped in. I kept researching and found out about oxalates in plant foods. Spinach is one of the highest of this ... Poison.! I was eating about 2-4 cups of that stuff a day before. Well, no wonder I felt like I was dying. Still, I didn't expect that a mono diet of red meat, of all things, would result in much besides heart disease. I had binged Dr. Michael Gregers videos of study after study. I was scared.
But so many vegans thrive. Yes and many look like they're dying. What gives, right? My uneducated theory is which diet works for you probably comes down to your ancestry. While many cultures evolved on starches, I think some may have evolved more on meat. Or it could be a blood type thing. I don't think we'll ever find out the truth because there's big bucks to be made on both sides and the regular people argue and debunk everything that's against their diet to the point you can't tell which is true. They both are. You have to try both and see what you respond to. If you're vegan for ethical reasons and your health is tolerable then keep at it. If it's not, you have an incredibly hard and painful choice you're going to have difficulty living with either way. I am sorry, that's certainly not fair to you.
Listen to your body, decide between ethics and health if this applies to you, and do what you feel you must. May we all find our path to health and approach everyone's choices with compassion.
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