Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Introduction     5/30/17

Despite having Lyme's Disease, most of my medical team still concentrates on my initial diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. First, let me state the pain and reality of daily life is real, however, the term is just utter crap. It literally means "pain of the muscle" which not only is inadequate a description but also serves as a catch-all term for which they no longer need to offer any meaningful treatment to you, the patient. If you have had it for more than a year, you totally understand what I mean. It as a disease does not exist, the symptoms do. Given my perspective (along with many other sufferers who are fed up), I took to youtube of all places to just dig around and see what I could find to help.

I found several great videos about treating it with dieting, juicing, etc. And while a lot of people say if you can treat it with mere diet alone, it's not really fibro. Bullshit, sonny. Pellagra was once a fatal disease because no one could accept it was merely a nutritional deficiency. Look it up, I'll wait. Fibro is no different than rickets, scurvy, and pellagra as far as treatment options. It, however, is not a mere vitamin deficiency. Well, for some sufferers, it may be, but for most, it seems to be an allergy to something.

Not everyone can handle an elimination diet to try to pinpoint the culprit. It is hard enough to find energy to function just eating fast food crap let alone get up, prep food, and adhere to some insane diet that cuts out all the easier foods in the world. I get that. Hell, some days I go hours without eating at all because I can't get out of bed and being diabetic, that's not a good thing- not even for my waistline. Not eating enough does not energy make, and chowing down on slop burgers from the local flip joint isn't going to help a whole lot either. So what is a person to do to get better?

Well, I am taking that journey and I will share with you. Live and learn with me until you can find the nuts and bolts of a plan that will work for you.  The cruel thing about Fibro is that the cause is as unique as the individual. I suspect my cause is gluten, yours may be dairy or perhaps something even unusual. And this fact, the diversity in causes is often why people bicker about whether something works, can work, or if someone had "real" Fibro at all. It's not contagious therefore the cause cannot be a uniform thing. Simple. Heck, if doctors would dig a bit deeper, we'd find more causes for Type 2 Diabetes than just someone eats too many doughnuts. So just keep an open mind. I will do my best to explore other things than just gluten and I will post a few of the videos I watched this week that affirmed my views and some that opened my mind.

The first step in war (and fighting Fibro is nothing short of a long, drawn out war) is recapturing enough of the hope you've lost because without an iota of hope, you're not going to try in earnest and you will get right in your own way to health.  With chronic pain, it's nearly impossible to be hopeful of anything after a few years. I understand. Keep in mind, you felt better, even if only a wee bit, back when you still had some hope. And that maybe 2% shift up will help you proceed. You can do this if you want to, trust me, but it's going to be very hard at first; I won't lie. I also won't suggest anything I don't use myself unless I specify that and I receive ZERO endorsements or compensation for anything. Though I'd love to earn money and I don't dislike people who sell products, I realize a lot of us have an instant distrust and, to me, building that trust is far more important than money. I'm poor but I have/ get everything I absolutely need so it's an easy decision overall to forgo such compensation.

So, there's my introduction. Not too personal, I know, but honestly, this blog isn't about me as a sufferer, it's about the battle against fibro. Hopefully, my personal journey to health can serve as motivation or a roadmap to your path to health. If at any time you need someone explained in a different way, message me. I know English is not everyone's first language and some sufferers may need more literal language as well. I will do my best to accomodate.